about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B u B b L y D r E a M z
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*HUGS* TOTAL! give peg more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own |
juz got back from chem consultation in sch..... damn bad.. she asked moi got questions peggie? then i juz can shake head.... hahaha.... in the end only elim, liping n v asked qns.... hahaha... but had lunch there so not time wasted la~~ zap some solutions for yr papers too.... haiz....
todae ar... this morn overslept lor.. suppose to wake up early so can eat breakfast n slowly get ready to go n meet v they all... woke up at 10am still got time to make it la.. but had to rush n stuff la... aniwae still made it on time~~ in the end reach the RELC building still have to wait for liping n quan!! so duabai... >.> made mi, jing, elim, huini, v n boon wait for them only!! hahaha.... but okok la.... everyone wore long jeans la~~ only ping wore skirt~~ but oso demin one la.. she dressed up quite nice~~ muz be for quan la!! =P
then after that sunny ask moi go join him, theressa n mel at mel's hse nearby CC there... doing maths... maths.... bbrrrr!!! =P but i gonna join them in the evening when they playing badminton though~~ ^_^ long time no play liao.. hahaha.. then gotta pass two sets of ans to mel n sunny too... ~Praise the Lord~ at 4:15 PM | 0 comments then after cuz we all hungry so went to taka for lunch... met marilyn tan at the foodcourt there.. long time no see her man!!! she now working in office la.. dunno wat... then she claims she no bf la... but... XD then todae then realised she dun have my new hp no. (which is kinda old liao) n i got two of her nos. but one is not used liao.. she got another new line.. (so rich sia~~) then mi, jing, elim n huini bought bentos n modanyaki n sit ard taka square there eat while the two couples go kfc eat lor... haha... *distracted by an article on TIME abt eating smarter..* then after we went shopping cuz v n ping had to look for prom nite gown n blouse la.. (ps: mi, jing n huni not going though~~) then after we walked finish wisma we felt veri the 'extra' so we suggested split lor~~ so the two couples shop themselves while we four went to HMV cuz long time no go le.. moi.. =P on the wat there hor... elim saw sth the ran over n tol jing but i didn catch.. then they luff.. so i was wondering so asked them luffing at wat no tell moi.. >.> then they sae tot i heard.. they sae they lookingat this indian couple in front.. n i was like "so wat?" then they continued "the two guys.." n i was like >_<|| hahaha... so i looked lor.. n the two of them HOLDING HANDS in PUBLIC lor!!! veri the !!!! hahaha... cuz from they all they say the couple initially was juz their pinkies hooked then SLOWLY became clasping hands lor~~ hahahaha.... the at hmv oso saw a few butch... haha... the most shuai guys n gals we saw todae was this two caucasian couples.. the gals veri beautiful n the guys veri shuai too!!! kyaa~~ ^_^ haha.. too bad elim din get to see cuz she was booking space for us at taka square.... XP *watching tv then the show so sad.. especially tomolo's!! that ch 8 one.. at 9pm.. hmm.. think i write till here la... oh yah!! long time no go library so todae jing went return book i went borrow books lor.. din manage to find wat i wanted... but juz borrowed two books... new authors for moi.. hope they gonna be nice to read~~ ^_^ kkz... go take out moi contacts le... tomolo got chem consultation... but i did no chem so no qn to ask lor... shit la... >_< gotta go TRY to look for qn to ask lor.... haiz..... ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:03 PM | 0 comments AAwwwww!!!! saw some veri NICE shitajiki!!!!! ^__^ ![]() as u can see.. this is from CCS~~ ![]() this is from gundam seed.. (i din watch GS though =P) chio ne?? these two by doujin- Kawarajima Koh ![]() this from Kao no Nai Tsuki a game i think... dunno.. never heard abt it!! this by Carnelian ![]() this from the anime Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito can dl la.. but dunno leh.. i din get it~~ by Carnelian too~~ ![]() from Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito too... heard there's a game for it too~~ ![]() hai~~ by Carnelian too.. its suppose to be an original.. dunno mean wat.. >.< ![]() chobits~~ kyaa~~ like the gal~~ she so kawaii!! but the male lead ar.. not veri shuai!! hahaha.. by clamp ![]() kyaa~~~!!! its pink so i like~~ ^___^ it's from Kbooks Original (dunno wats it...) then think its by Kadoi Aya.. n its that water she's sitting in?? XP n peaches!!!! nyuu~~ ![]() this is from the manga n anime Mamotte Shugogetten i only watched the first few manga n oso the first few epi of the anime... cuz borrowed from jun hao one.. then he still collecting i think?? ![]() from eva aka evangelion~!!! i watched the anime... manga still running~~ oso borrowed from jun hao this is rei!! ^_^ ![]() this from Mercurius Pretty oso dunno wats it la... but they look kinda elfish~~ kawaii~~ ![]() this from pia carrot.. i got the anime its OVA i think... but havent watched yet.. its a game too i think? by MorinagaKorune ![]() ehhh!!! dinno clamp has this series ne!!! its from RG Veda~~ looks kinda yaoi ne?? ^_^ wanna go find the manga.... hmm.... ![]() this from Kbooks Original oso dunno wats it... -_-|| but veri nice.. reminds mi of love hina~~ by Serizawa Katsumi ![]() ![]() these two is aria from sister princess~~ its an anime but the links not seeded le.. so din get to dl~ ^^;~ ![]() as it says on the shitajiki its from time stranger kyoko.. its looks kinda like the drawing of kamikaze kaitou jeanne deshou? by Arina Tanemura ![]() ![]() these two by tinkerbell then from the series original... another one i dunno.. but looks cute got the pink one n wif wings~~ ^^ ![]() this from Vampire Princess Miyu i din watch the manga la.. dun even noe if got anime... but i paste here cuz i like this kinda 'uniform'~~ veri priest-like/those wore by the gals working in shrines or temples~~ one of my sketch oso got a female wearing those~~ ^_^ i named the sketch aiko... =P kkz~~ think that's all the shitajiki i puting up todae~ ^_^ nice seeing~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:42 PM | 0 comments found another cute gif~~ while trying to delete the tonnes of junk mail from moi singnet account!! >.< ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() when i remembered n logged in.... i got 63 PAGES of 20 emails PER PAGE!!! now still in the process of deleting... ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:41 PM | 0 comments been a long while since i last used kazaalite ne~~ juz now opened it then like so advanced from when i last used.. n now moi speed not that slow animore!! yayy!! surfed the webbie for some cute gifs ne~~ ^_^ ![]() ![]() ![]() ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:57 PM | 0 comments hehehe!! good eh!! i'm a good fren to have ne~~ cheer ppl up easily~~ \o/~~ yayy~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:03 PM | 0 comments
You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal. "And The Phoenix's cycle had reached zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He emerged from his own ashes, to be forever immortal." Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl (Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum (Egyptian). The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life, the number 0, and the element of fire. His sign is the eclipsed sun. As a member of Form 0, you are a determined individual. You tend to keep your sense of optomism, even through tough times and have a positive outlook on most situations. You have a way of looking at going through life as a journey that you can constantly learn from. Phoenixes are the best friends to have because they cheer people up easily. Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:59 AM | 0 comments aiyoh.. that quiz... better dun go take.. very mafan one!! ^_^ todae zl, vk n kl they all ask moi go seoul garden to celebrate zl bdae lor.... but then they got call other frenz.. then all i dunno one... then i dun fell going liao lor.. so juz now sms kl told him moi dun feel like going liao... ^^;; yest they wanted ask moi out to early celebration for irene at fish & co. but at that time they called i was out cycling lor!! wasted fish & co. nice ne~~ >.> ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:30 AM | 0 comments
~Praise the Lord~ at 11:25 AM | 0 comments yeah~~ todae at last woke up b4 noon~~ hahaha.. woke up ard 10am!! ^_^ then use comp til 2+ then pass to sis use.. while i go outside watch anime haunted school.. its okie la~~ reminds mi of nude but nube is better la~~ hahaha... then later ard 5+ mum suggested we go down to the drain near our hse there to net for fishes~~ so we went down.. mi n sis brought our bikes down so can cycle after that.. total caught like 20 fishies ne!! ^__^ then after cycled wif moi sis along singapore river to marina south then we turned back for home... was ard clarke quay when there were lighting n liek threathened to rain!! then we had to cross this path cuz moi sis wanted to get choco from 7/11 but a group of ang moh (think all students from the states) blocking cuz they juz standing there deciding wat to do... then i look at them they look at moi... then one guy like got this *questioning look* so i went yes? then he said mind helping us take a picture? then i sure! n helped them took lor.. they wanted to take the river n buildings too... hope its was okie man!! haha... i said 1, 2, 3! then shot! then this black guy like teasing asked u din sae smile? XD lol... then they walked off then we continued our way lor~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:13 AM | 0 comments hai~~ yesterdae went to meet some ppl from #anime.. haha... suppose to go sing jap songs at centerpoint there.. nearby.. but then no rooms le... hahaha... then there was mi, kamui, sen n yuka (not sure) there should be lunar too.. but dunno wat happened.. cuz i was the late one wat!! >_< then lent kamui some anime scrapped princess n onegai twins (i havent even watch this yet leh!)... n OSO a yaoi manga... lol.... since he wanna try... cuz he's already into yuri manga.. >.< then since no ktv.. we walked to sunshine plaza there de animehouse lor... then met some others irc ppl there too~~ got gwing, inuran, the red shirt one n another goes #cosplay one.. paiseh.. dunno their nick even!! hahaha... then we all 7 of us went to eat at parklane there~~ moi first time there ne!! then they went to play this game... guilty gears XX or GGX 1.5 fighting game.. so i liek totally dunno!! hahaha... so i was playing photohunt wif kamui then some aeroplane games lor... ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:31 PM | 0 comments ![]() Which Saiyuki boy are you? Take the Saiyuki Quiz at anime-doll.com ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:32 AM | 0 comments argh!!!! went out manga shopping wif imee again... -_-||| she tempt mi again.. haiz... wat can i do?? ONCE IN A LIFETIME sale ne!! when ever can a veri established publishing company go bankrupt and close down?? >_<|| it's like 40% sale leh!! hahahha... dun buy i dumb lor!!! haiz... spent like 70 bucks.... juz got back only~~ hahaha... we started out at tbp CC then went from there to jurong point's CC then to bukit batok west mall's CC lastly we went to woodlands causeway point's CC.... long journey ehh... then from jurong point to west mall, boon n v sae take bus is faster.. then they sae when reach we will see the place so wun miss it one... but in the end mi n imee still overshot.. had to ask someone on the bus then she said we passed it long ago le... lame rite... haiz... in the end juz cross road took back lor... >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:29 PM | 0 comments aiyoh!! think i forgot to blog ne~~ but nehmind la.. oso not much ppl come here.. oni miself!! hahaha... but it's okie though!!! phy prac was good man.. hope can get near to full marks for that paper.. too bad its only 10% of everything.. not like the chem prac that i screwed up.. it was 25% leh!! can die man!! *oucH* moi fourth finger suddenly kinda pain... hmm... yesterdae someone told mi at toa payoh there got sell manga too.. then supposedly they're cheaper.. hmm.. makes mi wanna go there to find out ne!! but this month already overspend on manga le... haiz... then tomolo got gp review abt the mock paper 2... from 8.30 to abt 10 leh.. dun feel ike going... cuz like oni a while then will be home so early too.. since i no book teachers for consultation.. >_< now mel sms-ing moi trying to tell mi to go lor... dunno la!!! argh!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:49 PM | 0 comments kyaa~~~ bought new manga!!! but din expected lor.. todae went out wif imee supposedly to go chinatown to buy those cheap manga... 2 bucks for one book those... then when met her n had dinner at great world city, imee said she wanted to go bugis get some drwing stuffs.. so went there.. then look at bags.. but din see anythingi like... then went chinatown i bought 5 more manga again.. so $10 lor... then we went tbp go CC look at manga.. AND the daran manga were on SALE!!!!! argh!!! already spent the amt i expected for the manga.. then sale lor... so tempted n when bought 4 books at one shot!!! $24!!! >_< haiz.... but okie la... its still cheaper lor... should be one book $10 leh!! okie abt all these manga thingy la... think i tomolo morning go sch earlier to study for the A level phy prac ba... later gonna call ppl see fi they got plans to go sch earlier tomolo notz..... ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:28 PM | 0 comments aiyoh!! slack whole dae at home... did nuttin basically.. ate dumplings for brunch n supper... lol... those i make all so big.. muahahha.. but yum yum~~ ^_^ wanted to go bugis pa game.. but all frenz pa game one.. not free.. >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:30 AM | 0 comments juz started watching D.N.Angel todae wif moi sis... at first sight of the title i thought it was something related to shinigamis n ghost n stuff... in the end it was like kinda similar to kamikaze kaitou jeanne~~ juz only watched the starting then veri complicated le!! the love love relations there!! okie here goes.. the main lead's niwa daisuke but he is actually oso dark. then daisuke likes this younger twin, risa harada but this twin likes dark then the other older twin, rikku harada, likes daisuke.. complicated ehh!! hahahaha... argh!!! i'm like taking forever to finish this post... -_- too bad moi black nails can oni stay til mon nite.. cuz tue got PHY PRAC A's.... then wanna go arcade tomolo but ppl i noe who game not free man!! >_< how!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:35 PM | 0 comments muahahahha!! after fiddling sooo long wif moi sis' digicam (veri lan one la) at last got it working!! took some piccy worz~~ painted them this afternoon before going out.. lol.. in the end at the streets got ppl stare ne!! but i heck lor~ XD moi ah man here~~ this the doll v and the others gave mi for moi bdae lor~ i hug to bed one! =P the toys i put beside moi fish tank.. sky, moi new micropet, n moi sis' tank, remote control one~ moi fishies!!! yeah!!! the left side one.. got one black stripe is penguin fish then those near the right bottom are neontetras n cardinal tetras.. still got others la... but cant see that clearly.. hehehe... ^_^ okie.. that's abt all la... got took more but juz oic of moi la~~ dun wanna put them... let's end wit these two piccy!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:07 AM | 0 comments haiz............. A level chem prac was BAD!!!!! >_< hope can at least PASS...... so mani careless mistakes... *go bang wall* *see birdies flying ard head* @@ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:20 AM | 0 comments hmm... todae like slack again lor.... haiz.... din study chem.... only dl anime n read manga.... -__-||| ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:25 PM | 0 comments looked after 8 kids by miself... ranged from 4yo-13yo... tough... >.< ~Praise the Lord~ at 5:37 PM | 0 comments wah... damn full.. had steamboat wif jun hao.. he came over to play... went arcade todae at tbp.. got another manga.. >_< there goes 8 bucks for manga n 4 bucks for arcade.. then went to shop abit n home~~ then watched anime played games.. got the VOS creator so now can create moi own song to play~~ yeah!! hahaha.. later i bathed le gonna create alot of anime ones~~ =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:05 AM | 0 comments aiyoh!! yeaterdae so hiong man... after the 'farewell' in sch went out wif some ppl in class.. wanted to catch second hand lions but the timings was bad n the PSLE student released that dae practically FILLED up the whole cinema.. only front rows were left.. man this sux rite!! so in the end we caught underworld.. IT"S DAMN COOL!!! somemore moi LOVE ahppi endings~~ hahahaha.... but it really was right to NC-16 it... haha... kinda gory some parts.. n the language... >_< but nice all the way~~ the male lead so handsome n the female lead sooooooo stylo!!!! hahaha.... good vampie~~ ^__^ then after mi, jing, v n boon walked to far east plaza cuz i needed to get socks there.. then at tangs some guy approach mi n jing (v n boon walking too far behind) n said this.. "hello gals.. r u guys from sajc?" (we were in FULL sch uniform then.. so it was like a 'duh!' qn...) then we said yeah.. then he went "i not gonna harm u.. i actually a veri famous guy.. i pluck eyebrows for gals in public.." *proceeds to unroll a newspaper article to prove it to us* then jing went "we're in a hurry. then that guy went "okie.. sorrie, u gals are real cute.." so we all juz walked away.. that was kinda lame rite?? hahaha.. then after far from that person's sight we were like joking abt it lor... hahahaha!!! XD XD XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:27 PM | 0 comments juz got back from going out wif v, boon, liping n quan.. really felt like a power station!! (cuz small size ppl called lightbulb rite?? then normal sized called lamp post.. so mi big size its called power station lor~~ ^^;;) then went wif them to jurong point shopping center to get MICROPETS!!! mi got a pink horse~~ hehehe... then saw the one that eileen wans there too~~ she wans the tomy (not sure correct not) fish tank.. its selling there for 25 bucks.. ahhaha... moi horsey its 13 bucks~ hehehe... ^__^ can talk, sing, run n zig-zags ard.. XD CHO KAWAII!!!!! ^___^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 5:21 PM | 0 comments wah... todae veri eventful lor~~ morning it started raining la.. so no assembly then juz went to audi for mi maths lect lor.. after 1.5 hrs of boring maths (cuz she went thru mock paper which i pon...) then mi, v, jing, elim, mel, liping, quan n boon went to queenstown shopping center's Mac for breakfast~~ cuz we had 3 hrs break then... then after eating went downstairs to look for jing's water bottle that she wanna buy.. adidas white one.. look all the shops oso out of stock lor.. so in the end she bought a red one... oh yah!! forgot to mention sth earlier.. after maths lect.. we were actually waiting for mel cuz she had to ask teacher some questions la... then hor... mi n elim n jing were so called 'gossiping' away... hahaha.. abt the two NEW couples in mi class... v n boon then liping n quan... ^^|| then while we were chatting in the audi.. boon n v sat beside us.. nearby la.. but they in their two world... then after mel finished she walked up to get her bag n i followed her wif mi glaze n HAPPEN to see v n boon soooooo LOVING!!! >.< v was helping boon look for white hair lor.. then i motioned to mi two frenz n we all saw then left audi went back outside dun intrude them ma~~ hahahaha.... okie back to QSC then after buying her bottle.. we wanted to take buz back to sch for chem lect then gp class... but it was raining n we only had TWO umbrellas.... -__-|| conclusion.. we were trapped in QSC!! hahaha.. then elim suggested take taxi lor.. but we not rich lor.. so in the end after MUCH discussion.. we all agree to pon lect n gp class.. we juz stood ard n chatted (meaning we four n they two couples) then juz walked ard oso... wanted to play cards but they sae cannot.. cuz we wearing sch u lor... then it was like 1+ le so we heck n juz walk in rain to bus stop lor.. then mi n v follow original plan n went to tbp... i bought some pens n some fishies~~ ^^ uncle gave mi free worms too~~ hehehe.. bought 2 more cardinal tetras, 1 prawn n 2 lamp eyes... SHIT......... fell asleep at the comp while i forgot to post...... ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:01 PM | 0 comments ARGH!!!!!!!!!! juz found out that NEXT TUE is 'A' LEVEL CHEM PRAC le........... -___-||| ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:11 PM | 0 comments went to sch later... at ard 10am la... then have to lect.. after eat lunch le took mi gp mock lor... hmmm... finished them in time.. but felt that i crapped alot.. hahaha.. tomolo after maths lect got 3hrs break.. some of us going east breakfast together~~ then after sch going tbp wif v cuz she nids to get some farewell teacher card.. then oso after that going tbm to look at fishies~~ ^_^ maybe gonna buy more tetras... hehehehe.... XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 9:08 PM | 0 comments hahaha... todae really pon the maths mock.. >_< then came home sis wan mi watch spirited away wif her again.. this time wif eng subs.. cuz yest i had to explain quite alot to her.. hmm.... ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:57 PM | 0 comments siala... in the end watched two anime wif mi sis n bro they all... din even rem that i had to go funan... shit!!! think i'll go tomolo?? >_< watched princess mononoke (second time cuz in sch din get to watch all.. middle missed abit lor..) n spirited away.... both was okie lor~~ abt 2 hrs n a few mins~~ ^_^ got diarrhoea again.. juz went 2 times.... why am i sooooo unlucky!! >_< muz be the overnight food i ate... shit la.... (literally) -_-|| ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:35 PM | 0 comments going down to funan go get sth... but feel like cycling there leh... hmm.... then ownself cycle... y chun not home!! >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 3:03 PM | 0 comments found a interesting show~~ after watching that ping qiong gui gong zi then i channel surf around.. then at 2pm found this show on channel i damn funnie n lame one.. hahaha... title is sth like that's life.. not sure... abt this gal she 32 then this guy in her class.. (she goes lit sch..) is wooing her.. he's 23... lol.... then the parents of that gal dun allow... hahaha.... ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:33 PM | 0 comments todae morning was "eventful" but i will NOT tok abt it... dun wanna rem it... aniwae.. mi todae pon chem lect again.. pia to tbp to buy mi fishies~~ bought 9 neontetra n 2 cardinal tetra.. n a water plant total 6 bucks.. i've decided.. if this batch can live long THEN only will i get more fishies~~ =P if not one by one die i oso sad.. haiz.... >.< then i juz threw the worms in.. they eat til bloated... *scared* later all too bloated then die how!! >_< ~Praise the Lord~ at 4:42 PM | 0 comments juz got back home~~ wrote ching's testimonial in frenster~~ haha... she got same pic as mi lor... but i set mine first~~ =P *not gonna change mi primary pic!!* >.< then wanted go fish shop but hong dun wan... she sae tomolo lor... haiz.. wanted to pon sch tomolo.. then last min they sae MUZ go cuz got tok on A's... diao... ~Praise the Lord~ at 3:51 PM | 0 comments | |
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